Sunday, February 23, 2020

Changing Criminal Behaviour Case Study Bert Essay

Changing Criminal Behaviour Case Study Bert - Essay Example In order to fulfil the study's first aim, recall and recognition will be tested in 100 to 150 adult participants. Eyewitness identification accuracy will be observed during this process. Participants will be required to watch a brief video, following this video participants will be required to answer a series of questions pertaining to that video. Another data collection will involve participants completing an online questionnaire which assesses accuracy of recognition and recall. The experiment aims at identifying the misidentification rates of adults and how recognition and recall can lead to false eyewitness testimony and subsequent false identification. In order to fulfil the study's second aim, the literature on the factors which promote and those which inhibit eyewitness accuracy will be reviewed. A list of inhibitors and promotors will be generated and subsequently employed to inform a set of recommendations for the enhancement of eyewitness accuracy. The researcher will organise and maintain a web based questionnaire and online video through Surveymonkey. The researcher will send the website a participants' inclusion and exclusion criteria and specify that all respondents are to be from Australia. A 100-150 participant figure will be requested. Surveymonkey will then inform its relevant participant database of the survey. 3.2. Research plan 3.2.1 Describe the theoretical, empirical and/or conceptual basis, and background evidence, for the research proposal, eg. previous studies, anecdotal evidence, review of literature, prior observation, laboratory or animal studies. NS 1.13 The goal of the proposed research is to examine conditions that may influence eyewitness memory. Wells and Loftus (2003) used a 'memory as trace' (p. 149) metaphor to compare physical evidence and memory. That is, memory for an event can leave a trace in the brain just like physical evidence (e.g., fingerprints, blood, and semen) can in the outside world. As will be discussed at length later, eyewitness identification procedures can be employed to minimize any bias or suggestion that can contaminate a witness memory. In the present studies the effects of certain estimator variables on eyewitness identification will be examined. More specifically, the issue of whether knowledge that one is viewing a crime suspect, compared to learning that one had seen a suspect after-the-fact, and the seriousness of the crime for which the suspect is wanted, will be investigated for their influence on identification accuracy in line-ups in which the suspect is either absent or present. An additional question is whether crime severity enhances memory for an individual, or whether attention needs to be directed towards the individual to influence memory. There is equivocal evidence that crimes of a more serious nature increase motivation to attend to the criminal scenario (Leippe, Wells, & Ostrom, 1978), while others do not support this finding. As eyewitness investigation is relevant to psychologists, the legal system, witnesses, the accused, and society at large, it is

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Xipe Totec Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Xipe Totec - Research Paper Example The Aztecs conducted ceremonious events to celebrate their life. For instance, they would conduct or play a series of mock confrontations between groups of young adults. One group wore skins made from war captives and sat on mats. Xipe Totec was present in the ceremony dressed in the skin. The opposing side approached the relaxed and seated group, and provoked them in a mock war with their taunting. They would retaliate and chase their opponents. A person who was would succeed to catch his opponent could confine him to jail and awarded a gift of hanging over personal ownership. In regards to Xipe engagement in cults, it has been theorized that the origin of Xipe relate to a cult believed to be responsible for human liberation. This illustrates that the skin and the flesh of humanity is what is keeping the soul captive thus making Xipe Totec a god of hostage or bondage. Not only did Xipe Totec participate in sacred rituals, but also the Aztecs had a conviction that he was the deity th at sent eye and skin problems to the earth. The emergence of these convictions or believes have been traced to distinct renditions of Xipe Totec often shown with bursting or blistering eye. This is symbolic to the Aztecs in that it shows one of the motivators for sacrifices in the Aztec culture. Therefore, the Aztec’s believed that in order to achieve enlightenment and inversion, it was significant to conduct sacrifice. Xipe Totec also had a great influence to the craft industry in that Xipe was linked with obsidian artisan. The ceremony would be followed by a visit to people’s houses where they would ask for alms in exchange for blessing Xipe Totec. Xipe Totec tells us much about the culture of the Aztec people. It reveals that the Aztecs were primarily an agricultural culture that relied on farming for their livelihood. In addition, it is easy to realize that these people were dedicated to their religion in the sense that through the picture of Xipe Totec, there is e vidence of human sacrifice that was prevalence in their ceremonies to the gods. The dress was also a significant part of the Aztec faith and daily life style. The Aztec people had an advanced civilization for their government participation, religious faith, and family life they lived a productive and