Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Paradise Review Essay Example

The Paradise Review Paper Essay on The Paradise The Paradise Zola I read for the first time as a schoolgirl. Ironically, by the time I was well acquainted not only with many other novels of the author, but also with other French masters such as: Flaubert, Balzac, Maupassant. Therefore, I still can not explain to myself the extraordinary appeal of this particular product. I re-read it at least a dozen times, it affected me as a soothing and entertaining toy for a child. Endless descriptions of the vast store of goods is fascinating and mesmerizing. The novels plot is simple, nezateyliv, many more touches stories of love and relationships between man and woman is not only found in French literature. What is so mesmerizing? Store Description? What we, the modern ladies lace, corsets and gloves? Someone might say that sochinenitse something rather weak, can not be found that the object is probably true. What I so fascinated in The Paradise? I can not still answer this question. I read that Zola himself in the image of Denise wanted to show women an ideal of his understanding, the one that can make the happiness of the man as the Mura a rich, spoiled and pampered, fix its relation to family and marriage. And yet, perhaps, the main character of the novel the spirit of Paris, as the focus of the fashion kingdom zhenschiny.Razorenie for orders and whims of women, in whose name and moves the whole world, all his money and business consumption otnosheniya.Etot holiday, thirst wealth , the proprietary side of the world, which absorbs everything around him, ruthlessly ruining all the traditional values ​​with the chanting of moderation, prudence, austerity. Is there in all of this at least a ray of hope for something pure and natural? Provincial, poor and not very pretty girl Denise! Somehow like the show? No, the French classics!